The scandal behind the scenes of the TV series "Magnificent Century": who is right?
Jansu Dere supported the criticism of Meryem Uzerli

Last week producer Timur Savji said that his departure from the series "Magnificent Century" Meryem greatly harmed both the project and herself. Also producer said that Uzerli wanted come back but it was late for her. The statement caused a public outcry.
That is why journalists asked Meriem's colleague on the "Magnificent" century, Jansu Dere, for an opinion on this issue.
- Whatever Timur Savji says, I will support all his words, - said Jansu.
At the same time, Selma Ergench, who was also part of the "Magnificent Century" cast, commented on the attitude to the producer's statement as follows:
- They are both very good people, I love them both very much. Therefore, I will not talk about this situation.