Journalists made angry the actress of the project «Knock on my door»
Journalists stopped the actress at the exit of the restaurant, where she was spending time at an event with an unknown young man

Correspondents immediately "bombarded" the star with questions:
"Is this your young man? You look good together, are you dating?"
After these questions, Dengel flared up and answered rather sharply that people could just be friends, and if the companion was her lover, she would definitely have reported it to the press.
"I would have done it first of all," the star replied skeptically and demanded to turn off the cameras.
It should be noted that according to many Turkish actors, interference in the personal lives of stars is becoming a serious problem in Turkey, as journalists of a number of media outlets go beyond asking incorrect questions.
Melissa Dengel is a Turkish actress who first appeared on the screens in 2015 in the film "Nothing like that". Special attention from the public and producers was achieved after filming in the series Elif. Since then, Turkish films and TV series with Melissa have attracted the attention of viewers in many countries.