"It's time to give birth! ": fans turned to Hande Erçel
Hande Erçel celebrated her 28th birthday

Analysts on social networks noted how sharply subscribers reacted to this photo. Many wrote that Hande looks great with a baby, it's time to give birth to a child and there is absolutely no need to postpone motherhood "for later".
Recall that when the actress parted with Murat Dalkylych, the Turkish media wrote that the breakup occurred due to the unwillingness of Erçel to make a family. (Note that Erchel herself did not confirm this information).
Neither Hande nor her boyfriend, actor Kerem Bursin, responded to the call of subscribers to give birth. Also Kerem said last week that the wedding is still very far.
Gossip columnists suggested that fans' dream of seeing Kerem and Hande surrounded by children is likely to remain a dream. At least in the coming years.
Recall that in Russia and other countries Er.el became known for her role in the TV series "Knock on my Door", which, with poor ratings in Turkey, was able to conquer half the world.